Four More Years of Being Furious

Well, let’s get this out of the way. Yesterday the most odious, despicable, evil piece-of-shit political figure of my lifetime got sworn back in to the United States presidency. While I’d rather talk about the return of the Dwarves of Kadaz or really anything else, I need to get this off my chest.

Fuck him. Fuck him straight into oblivion. I may be an atheist but I hope Hell is real for the sole reason that one day he will burn in it. I cannot stand the sight of him, the sound of his voice makes me physically angry, and any show of support of him is enough of a reason to expel you from my life.

I bear such immense and total hatred for him that it makes me sad that my heart is actually capable of such a complete abhorrence.

I cannot believe we have to go through this bullshit again, and I am legitimately worried for the future because of him and his cronies. He and his ilk are a virus at best and a cancer at worst. The very idea of the harm they will cause is enough to keep me up at night. I am furious and do not look forward to being this constantly angry for another four years. Fuck.

For what remains of my mental health regarding United States politics I’m going to focus on what he and his sycophants actually do. I have to ignore the constant stream of shit that spews from his disgusting mouth because it will drive me insane. I’m going to ignore think-pieces, clever-sounding takedowns, and any attempts to ridicule him because it’s proven they are completely useless. It’s been less than one day as of this writing and his executive orders have already made me so mad I can’t think straight.

This blog is disjointed and scattered but I can’t form a coherent thought when I talk about this stain of a human and the irreparable damage he causes without any lasting consequences. I cannot express my anger enough.

The point of today’s blog is to reiterate that I oppose him and his ideology with every fiber of my being, so you can consider me a “safe space” in whatever form I can provide, even if its just escapism through my comics. I don’t have a lot of money to throw around for supporting opposition movements nor do I know how to properly throw a punch, but I want to help however I can. If furiously optimistic comics is all I can provide aside from expressing constant rage, then that will have to do.

Fuck that guy. Every day I hope to wake up to his obituary.