
The Hitting Kid

By Mookie | July 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

My son has been going to a day camp during the weekdays these past few weeks and it’s been great. I have a workday over the summer and he gets some much-needed time away from home interacting with other kids his age while school is out. That’s been a challenge for us in the past … Continue reading “The Hitting Kid”

Either Body-Shamed or Flattered

By Mookie | July 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

ConnectiCon was incredible. How that show manages to be as amazing as the previous year’s show time after time is a blessing I don’t care to question, and I will enjoy it for as long as that magic lasts. I have so many good memories from this past weekend. But there’s one memory among them … Continue reading “Either Body-Shamed or Flattered”

More Than Pre-Show Butterflies

By Mookie | July 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Just before a performance I get pre-show butterflies. It’s the name for the nervous flutter I feel in my chest and stomach before I step out on stage. I’ve felt them every time, from high school theater shows to hosting burlesque shows to ConnectiCon’s Cosplay Death Match. No matter how confident or prepared I am, … Continue reading “More Than Pre-Show Butterflies”

It’s Time For ConnectiCon Once Again!

By Mookie | July 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

This weekend I return to my hands-down favorite convention, ConnectiCon. In all the years it’s been running I have never missed a show, and this year my streak continues on. I have a lot of history with ConnectiCon. I met the convention chairman because we happened to have adjacent tables at the first ever Anime … Continue reading “It’s Time For ConnectiCon Once Again!”

Politics, Politics

By Mookie | July 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

United States politics has been pretty fucked up the last few days, with the Supreme Court issuing rulings that make me want to pull my hair out. So I feel like this is a good a time as any to remind those of you who have been following me, and who read these Tuesday-Thursday blog … Continue reading “Politics, Politics”

It’s My and My Comic’s Birthdays!

By Mookie | July 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

Happy birthday to me! Five years ago, on my fortieth birthday, I launched The Legacy of Dominic Deegan. I had ended Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire seven years prior and embarked on a fantastic adventure with Garth Graham on STAR POWER. The itch to make a solo comic had slowly returned, and with it came … Continue reading “It’s My and My Comic’s Birthdays!”

The Return of Nerd Summit

By Mookie | June 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

In my previous blog entry I lamented not getting to play my thrice-a-week TTRPGs with my friends this week. It has, expectedly, been a slog of a three days without my games with the boys. Thankfully, we’ll all get the chance to make up for lost game time this weekend. It’s time for Nerd Summit … Continue reading “The Return of Nerd Summit”

Cliffhangers Galore

By Mookie | June 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

I’m fortunate that I get to play tabletop roleplaying games with my friends three times a week, albeit remotely. It’s one of my very favorite pastimes and I know how lucky I am that I have a group of friends with reliable schedules to make this happen as often as we do. But this week … Continue reading “Cliffhangers Galore”

It’s So Damn Hot

By Mookie | June 20, 2024 | 0 Comments

Up here in Massachusetts we’ve been under the effects of a heatwave these past three days. We’re all miserable and sticky and I hate it. The past two summers I’ve vowed to not use an air conditioner, and the last two summers were successful in that endeavor. I hate air conditioners. They rattle my walls … Continue reading “It’s So Damn Hot”

Last Day of School

By Mookie | June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Yesterday was my son’s last day of school. It was weird ending the school year on a Monday, but there’s little anyone could have done about that. My son has officially completed the third grade, and come September he will be a fourth grader. Time moves ever onward. Ending the school year on a Monday … Continue reading “Last Day of School”