
Snout and Dominic

By Mookie | September 26, 2023 | 0 Comments

In yesterday’s comic, Snout sees Dominic for the first time. It is, in my opinion, a milestone moment in The Legacy. It’s also one that I swore would never actually happen, but here we are. When I started The Legacy of Dominic Deegan I wanted to have as clean a break from the Oracle for … Continue reading “Snout and Dominic”

Dancing in September

By Mookie | September 21, 2023 | 0 Comments

I love the song “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire. Like, I go nuts for it. If I’m at a party where there’s a dance floor I’m dancing to this song. If there’s no dance floor I’m making one. I stop conversations to listen to this song when it comes on. Some folks begin celebrating … Continue reading “Dancing in September”

The Comeback Kitty

By Mookie | September 19, 2023 | 0 Comments

Around this time last week we thought our time with our beloved cat, Scamp, was coming to an end. We were prepared to have him euthanized and were ready to say goodbye. I am happy to say that neither of those things turned out to be necessary. Scamp’s recovery has continued on its upward slope … Continue reading “The Comeback Kitty”

The Possible Road to Recovery

By Mookie | September 14, 2023 | 0 Comments

If I thought my weekend was an emotional rollercoaster, it was nothing compared to my last two days. On Tuesday it seemed like our cat’s health had hit rock bottom. He continued to be unresponsive to the treatments for his ailments and he’d lost so much weight from not eating for days on end that … Continue reading “The Possible Road to Recovery”

My Weekend of Euphoric Highs and Crushing Lows

By Mookie | September 12, 2023 | 0 Comments

My weekend was a rollercoaster of emotions, but let’s begin with the euphoric high. This past weekend one of my best friends threw a surprise twentieth anniversary party for his wife. He pulled out all the stops, called in every favor, employed every guilt trip, to get as many people to attend as possible. Friends … Continue reading “My Weekend of Euphoric Highs and Crushing Lows”

Tears at DragonCon

By Mookie | September 7, 2023 | 0 Comments

DragonCon was overwhelming in all the best and usual ways, but I was not prepared to be emotionally overwhelmed this year. It happened twice. The first time was the first day of the show. I’d come back to the table from grabbing a quick lunch, bringing it with me. There was nowhere else to comfortably … Continue reading “Tears at DragonCon”

There And Back Again

By Mookie | August 31, 2023 | 0 Comments

I’m driving down to Atlanta with Garth today so we can set up for DragonCon this weekend. We are hitting the road very early because it’s an estimated ten hours from Garth’s place to Atlanta, not counting for pit stops and food breaks. We did this same journey last year and despite its marathon length … Continue reading “There And Back Again”

Those Times I Abandoned My Friend At DragonCon

By Mookie | August 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

DragonCon is this weekend! It’s the biggest show I do and I’ve only ever done it alongside Garth. This year, like last year, I’ll be traveling down to his neck of the woods, and from there we’ll both make the ten-hour drive to Atlanta for what is likely to be an unforgettable weekend. DragonCon always … Continue reading “Those Times I Abandoned My Friend At DragonCon”

Summer On A Budget

By Mookie | August 24, 2023 | 0 Comments

Real talk. We don’t have a lot of money. We pay our bills, have food on the table, and my son has toys to entertain him (for as long as he’s interested in them), but past that we don’t have a lot of money to spare on much of anything. A lot of that has … Continue reading “Summer On A Budget”

Apparently I Seek Out Queer Spaces

By Mookie | August 22, 2023 | 0 Comments

The title of today’s blog is something Garth said to me a few months ago. The conversation that lead to this statement is long and winding so I won’t bore you with the details, but it ended with him saying, “Dude, you seek out queer spaces.” It was something I’d never considered before, and while … Continue reading “Apparently I Seek Out Queer Spaces”