Reprinting Omnibus 1!

Since I resumed updating the site as The Legacy of Dominic Deegan back in July, folks have been asking me if I’m ever going to have the first book reprinted. I haven’t been able to give any definite answers, what with doing double-duty both here and on Star Power, as well as my perpetual fatherhood responsibilities. It had also been six years(!) since I last updated the site with any new content, so I had no idea if anyone who read the Oracle for Hire years was interested in coming back.

But now it’s time to give you folks a definitive answer.

I’m proud and terrified to announce that I plan to launch a Kickstarter campaign to reprint Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, The Complete Series, Volume 1 on Monday, February 17! I’ll make a BIG announcement on launch day, so heads-up that that Monday will probably contain a filler comic announcing the campaign launch, because that’s just what you do for Kickstarter campaigns.

Why am I terrified? Two reasons.

First reason: I’ve never run a Kickstarter campaign on my own. All my previous campaigns have been a cooperative effort with Garth for Star Power books, and he’s been the one in charge of the actual campaign pages. As for fulfillment, our friends at Shark Robot have been providing that service for years. I could ask them for help, but it wouldn’t feel right. This comic and its responsibilities have always been mine. I’ve always mailed out books myself, filled orders myself, and done everything else (save for website building/repair/maintenance) myself. If things go well I want to take credit, and if things fail I want to be the only one taking the blame.

Second reason: A Kickstarter campaign puts a price tag for all to see on your work, and if a funding goal isn’t met, everyone sees you miss the mark. That scares the shit out of me. Sure, you can just learn from your mistakes and try again. Logically, I know that. But I’ve always funded Dominic Deegan books privately, either out of my own pocket or relying on pre-orders to cover costs. Kickstarter has reach, and these days that’s a valuable asset. So I need make like Frank Herbert and face my fear, put a public price tag on this, and let the fear pass over me and through me.

Here’s hoping everything goes smoothly in about two weeks. Cross your fingers and toes, and bear with me while I do my best to get the word out!