With a number of 2023 conventions on the horizon and a need to catch up for time lost during the pandemic, it’s time to start printing and reprinting books. The latter is the subject of today’s blog, and will likely be all I talk about for the next month.

Next week, on Monday February 20, I’ll be launching a Kickstarter campaign to reprint Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, THE COMPLETE SERIES Volume 2!
There will be an in-house advertisement announcing this in place of a comic on that day. I know it’s a bit soon to do that again, after recently putting all my current books on sale through Gumroad and posting an advertisement instead of a comic, but it remains the best place to make huge announcements like this. And nowadays, more than ever, you have to be as loud and frequent as you can when talking about crowdfunding projects.
My heart is in my throat, though. Since the last reprinting project three years(!) ago and the first printing of Curious in 2021, the price of paper has doubled for printers. The goal for this campaign is higher than any I’ve done, either for Dominic Deegan books or for Star Power, so to say I’m anxious is an understatement. But I have faith, and I’m offering a bunch of combo book deals, discounts, and commission opportunities. I’ll be working my butt off to give you fine folks your money’s worth, as I feel as I’ve always done.
Fingers crossed for next week, and the month of the campaign!