
Dawn of the Final Day… of the Kickstarter

By Mookie | March 26, 2024 | 0 Comments

I’ve been going on like a broken record about this, and today is the last day I’ll have to do it. Today is the final day of the Kickstarter campaign to put DREAMER, the fourth and final book of Snout’s adventure, into print! The funding goal has already been met, but it’s your last opportunity … Continue reading “Dawn of the Final Day… of the Kickstarter”

We Call It Getting Scamp’d

By Mookie | March 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

My wife and I suffer from a terrible condition. At any given moment we will find ourselves incapacitated, unable to move, unable to perform or complete the most basic of tasks because we no longer have control of our bodies. The cause of this condition is not a disease or a mental illness… but our … Continue reading “We Call It Getting Scamp’d”

A Fully Funded Kickstarter!

By Mookie | March 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

I am very pleased to announce that the Kickstarter campaign to print DREAMER, the fourth and final book of Snout’s search for the legacy of Dominic Deegan, reached its funding goal over the weekend! I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again: this campaign had me extra nervous, both because of how strange and … Continue reading “A Fully Funded Kickstarter!”

Kickstarter Success and Discouragement

By Mookie | March 14, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Kickstarter campaign to print DREAMER, the fourth and final book of Snout’s dreamquest, is going great! As of this writing it is 87% funded with just under two weeks remaining! The momentum has been solid and I remain optimistic! But there’s always a battle to be fought against crowdfunding discouragement, even when things are … Continue reading “Kickstarter Success and Discouragement”

A Humbling Weekend with Several Disclaimers

By Mookie | March 12, 2024 | 0 Comments

Like the title of today’s blog says, AwesomeCon was a humbling weekend for yours truly, but not without its disclaimers and reflections. Let’s get the humbling part out of the way first. I spent much of AwesomeCon weekend feeling invisible while watching Garth make sales of his new comic book, A Polycule of Mars. Attendees … Continue reading “A Humbling Weekend with Several Disclaimers”

Kickstarter This, Kickstarter That

By Mookie | February 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

It should come as no surprise that this and almost every blog post for the next month is going to be about the Kickstarter campaign to print DREAMER, the fourth and final book of Snout’s adventure. Because when you’re crowdfunding this is what you have to do. The response so far has been wonderful. As … Continue reading “Kickstarter This, Kickstarter That”

Kickstarting Snout’s Final Book

By Mookie | February 22, 2024 | 0 Comments

Snout’s adventures may have come to an end at the conclusion of last year, but his final adventures with the Ink Witch, Arudak, and Kaianda still need to be put into book form! So I guess it’s time to run a crowdfunding campaign for his fourth and final book! The Kickstarter for DREAMER will be … Continue reading “Kickstarting Snout’s Final Book”

February Break

By Mookie | February 20, 2024 | 0 Comments

Here in Massachusetts the public school system gives kids a week off in February. That week is this week, and traditionally it’s seven days of struggling to work on art and comics while trying to keep my nine-year-old son entertained. That’s been the case in the past, anyway. This year things are slightly different. My … Continue reading “February Break”

Character Ideas

By Mookie | February 15, 2024 | 0 Comments

I’m one of those people who’s constantly toying around with ideas for new characters, whether they’re meant for here in the comic, or tabletop roleplaying games, or random ideas for my Patreon page, or just for my own amusement. Some stick around for years waiting for their opportunity, others come to me in the moment, … Continue reading “Character Ideas”

This Does Not Come Naturally… To Wizards!

By Mookie | February 13, 2024 | 0 Comments

Last week I wrote a blog about how nothing about making comics comes to me naturally and how I’ve had to work very hard over the past twenty years to achieve my current level of skill. There was a comparison I meant to make in that original blog post which didn’t seem to fit in … Continue reading “This Does Not Come Naturally… To Wizards!”