
This Does Not Come Naturally

By Mookie | February 8, 2024 | 0 Comments

I wish I was “naturally gifted” or “a natural” when it came to making art because all of this is really hard for me. I have a feeling there are more of these types of people in various forms of fiction, where a character needs to get good at something fast for the sake of … Continue reading “This Does Not Come Naturally”

Soul Coughing

By Mookie | February 6, 2024 | 0 Comments

I’ve been coughing all year. Since January started I and everyone in my household have been coughing. Our chests are sore from the seemingly endless contractions of muscles that come from repeatedly coughing, and some nights it’s so irritating that I can feel the strain of the cough behind my eyes. I’m starting to feel … Continue reading “Soul Coughing”

Typos and Other Perils

By Mookie | February 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

Since ending Snout’s journey and switching The Legacy to an anthology format for shorter stories, I’ve come to feel creatively refreshed. Trying new things always makes me feel energized and excited for a new project, and so far this new format has been successful in maintaining my excitement. It’s also seen the introduction of digital … Continue reading “Typos and Other Perils”

Mixed Feelings About the End of an Era

By Mookie | January 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

Yesterday my parents sold their house. It’s a pretty heavy statement, emotionally. Or I feel like it should be. I feel like I should be having a more definite feeling about the house I grew up in being sold, but in its place I have an emotion I can’t quite describe. First of all, they … Continue reading “Mixed Feelings About the End of an Era”

Unlearning the Schools of Magic

By Mookie | January 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

In the late eighties or early nineties my friend introduced me to Dungeons & Dragons. Back then it was Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Second Edition. Besides introducing me to tabletop roleplaying games and the collaborative storytelling they entail, that book had a singular and profound effect on my imagination: the schools of magic available to … Continue reading “Unlearning the Schools of Magic”

Rhyming Dwarf Names

By Mookie | January 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

In yesterday’s update of Rebel, I introduced you to Gordi Balebeard, son of Fordi Balebeard, grandson of Bordi Balebeard. Also in yesterday’s comic it was revealed that the dwarf men of Kadaz like to use names for their sons that rhyme with theirs. How common a practice that is has yet to be shown, but … Continue reading “Rhyming Dwarf Names”

Sick Days

By Mookie | January 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

The only thing to blog about as I sit down to write today’s entry is that everyone in my house was sick today (yesterday for those of you reading this now). Everyone except for me. We’re a small family, only me and my wife and my son, so two out of three people were sick … Continue reading “Sick Days”

Sight Reading May Have Ruined My Life

By Mookie | January 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

I love music. I love it with all of my heart and soul. Listening to music fills me with inspiration and puts sound to emotions I didn’t know I had or needed to feel. It can be both deep and meaningful, and simply be beautiful for the sake of beauty. Music is everything to me. … Continue reading “Sight Reading May Have Ruined My Life”

How I Love and How I Hate Baldur’s Gate 3

By Mookie | January 11, 2024 | 0 Comments

I finally broke down and bought myself a copy of Baldur’s Gate 3, the Game of the Year for 2023, when it came out for consoles. I do all of my gaming on consoles because I have inexplicably bad luck with technical difficulties whenever I game on PC. So with the flood of sassy pale … Continue reading “How I Love and How I Hate Baldur’s Gate 3”

The Dwarves At Last

By Mookie | January 9, 2024 | 0 Comments

I’ve been waiting on this moment for about a year now. I’ve been featuring them on several tiers of my Patreon page since January of 2023. Those of you who’ve been supporting the Patreon at the Epilogue tier already know who Cresca’s mother is, and what her connection to Dominic was. This has been an … Continue reading “The Dwarves At Last”