It’s The Final Countdown!

There are seven days left in the Kickstarter campaign to reprint Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire THE COMPLETE SERIES Volume 2. Next Tuesday, March 21 will be the last full day to make pledges and receive rewards for helping to get the second omnibus to its second printing. As of this writing it is 88% funded.

The second half of the Oracle for Hire series!

The response to the campaign has been uplifting and heartening. For a series that ended ten years ago, after which time many of its readers (that’s hopefully you) have grown and changed over the span of a decade. Tastes and preferences, daily routines, and new responsibilities all come with that great span of time and human experience. That so many of you have brought the campaign as far as it has, and as close as it is to being funded, despite ten years ending is a remarkable gift I do not take for granted.

And then there’s the spike in the cost of the reprinting! Everything is so much more expensive now than it was ten years ago, not to mention only three years ago when I crowdfunded the second printing of Volume 1. That so many of you have pledged what you can in these financially frustrating times is yet another remarkable gift I am truly honored to receive.

We have one week to cover that last 12% of the funding cost. Succeed or not, I have been given remarkable gifts by you, the best readers in the world, of love and gratitude that I will take with me to the end of my days.

But still, I’d really like this campaign to succeed.