
My Annual Winter Break, 2020 edition!

By Mookie | December 14, 2020 | 0 Comments

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for the blog section, so I want to close out 2020 with a return to that! At least one entry more before we close out this strenuous, difficult year. First things first: this current chapter, “Dreamfinder,” will conclude on Wednesday, December 23 and following that … Continue reading “My Annual Winter Break, 2020 edition!”

My Annual Summer Break!

By Mookie | July 20, 2020 | 0 Comments

This week’s updates will be the last three pages of the Mongreltown chapter, with (what I hope is) a nice ending on Friday. On the following week, there will be no new updates because I’m taking my annual summer break. The next chapter of The Legacy of Dominic Deegan will begin updating on Monday, August … Continue reading “My Annual Summer Break!”

My 41st Birthday and the First Anniversary of The Legacy!

By Mookie | July 2, 2020 | 0 Comments

Today’s my birthday, and now I’m 41 years old. Happy birthday to me! It’s pretty crazy, on many levels; crazy to me that I’m a 41 year old man (I still think I’m an overgrown kid), crazy that my birthday is happening during a crazy time in human history, and crazy that The Legacy of … Continue reading “My 41st Birthday and the First Anniversary of The Legacy!”

Tracing as a Tool.

By Mookie | June 1, 2020 | 0 Comments

It should be obvious to anyone that the first panel in today’s page is a reference to Edward Hopper’s famous painting, “Nighthawks.” You know the one. In case you don’t know, here it is: Pretty strikingly similar, right? From the positioning of Snout and Arudak, to the hunch of the man behind the counter, to … Continue reading “Tracing as a Tool.”


By Mookie | February 17, 2020 | 0 Comments

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Monday update for an extremely important announcement! THE KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN TO REPRINT DOMINIC DEEGAN: ORACLE FOR HIRE, VOLUME 1, IS LIVE! Click the link to check out the campaign page, its list of backer incentives, and a full run-down of the project! This is very exciting and I’m also nervous … Continue reading “THE KICKSTARTER IS LIVE!”

Reprinting Omnibus 1!

By Mookie | February 5, 2020 | 0 Comments

Since I resumed updating the site as The Legacy of Dominic Deegan back in July, folks have been asking me if I’m ever going to have the first book reprinted. I haven’t been able to give any definite answers, what with doing double-duty both here and on Star Power, as well as my perpetual fatherhood … Continue reading “Reprinting Omnibus 1!”

Going Digital.

By Mookie | January 27, 2020 | 0 Comments

I’ve been using pen and paper to make comics for as long as I’ve lived. From copying the comic books I grew up with, to making webcomics as an adult, I’ve always felt comfortable with traditional art tools. The early days of digital art felt too disconnected to me, too distant from the creation of … Continue reading “Going Digital.”

A Week of Walking.

By Mookie | January 13, 2020 | 0 Comments

Heads-up that this entire week of comics is going to be Snout walking through the Wild Edge. When I started drawing this series of comics back in late 2019, I found how relaxing it was to draw landscapes. So, instead of one “walking” comic like I’d planned, I did another and then another. It was … Continue reading “A Week of Walking.”

A Short Holiday Break, and a Thank You.

By Mookie | December 20, 2019 | 0 Comments

Instead of an update on Monday, there will be filler in place until I return from a short holiday break. I’ve taken a holiday break over at STAR POWER every year, and this year will be no different. The Legacy of Dominic Deegan will return on Monday, January 6, 2020. Not only does this give … Continue reading “A Short Holiday Break, and a Thank You.”

The Importance of Doing Nothing.

By Mookie | November 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

Today’s comic ends with Snout curling up and going to sleep. That’s it. That’s the ending of today’s update. No cliffhanger. No joke. No enticing hints at what’s to come. There’s no character development or quirky moments. Snout curls up after a long, dangerous day and goes to sleep. Do-nothing pages like this, when used … Continue reading “The Importance of Doing Nothing.”